While the company doesn't deserve anything positive, I'm offering two stars because of how manipulative these guys are. Which takes great talent.\r
As a former installation tech for Firstline Security Scam Co. I recognize that this company does have a decent product. Its main offering now is the 5 yr old GE simon 3. the product was top of the line when it was introduced, however after 5 yrs like all technology, this is antiquated, and can't garantee safety. \r
Often times my motion sensors wouldn't send signals to the panel while I sent test signals. I had other problems with the outdated equipment, but that is not the real problem.\r
The problem is the poor business ethics this dishonest group adheres to. To read more, go to evolvingimpressions.blogspot.co m, then visit the Firstline category on the right side. Or click the link for Firstline lies... \r
Pros: They tell you its free
Cons: Lack of integrity, outdated equipment