My experiences with the Helen Bohn Bridal Salon has been less then desirable. I have had nothing but problems since day one. The salon representatives not only ordered the wrong color bridesmaid gowns but they ordered the wrong sizes. Several of the dresses had to be sent back and reordered. After receiving the correct dress... (3 weeks before the wedding) I went to the salon for my first fitting. \r
At my first fitting the dress was painfully to tight across the bust line. The representative insured me she would let out some material so I would be comfortable. She also suggested a bone in the top of my dress so you couldn't see down it. \r
When I went to pick up my dress... (1 week before the wedding) no alterations had been done. The dress was only pressed. The dress was too long, the top had not been let out and there was no bone in the dress. I became upset with the owner not sure why my dress was not complete. She put the bone in the dress while I waited. Since I live over a hour away from the salon I agreed to just take the dress and deal with the issues. \r
When I went to pay I was informed I was not able to pay with a check. Confused, I asked why? I had paid the first installment with a check. They claimed to have been stiffed in the past by other girls and didn't want to face the same problems. I insured them my check was good and would clear at that moment. I even drove to an Atm down the street in an attempt to get cash. The bank was closed. And since I was not from the area I didn't know where else to go but back to the salon.\r
The owner herself told me she would not stay open 10 more minutes while I drove to another ATM. Sadly I began to cry. I begged her to take my check along with my drivers license, phone number, social security number... whatever she needed to insure she would be paid. She refused. It is now 8 days before the wedding and I still have no dress.
Pros: There are none
Cons: Customer Service is horrible