Many dance studios are notorious for bashing the better, more successful studios in order to drum up business. That seems to be the case in the several negative reviews posted here. Anita's deserves the wonderful reputation it has and don't let some disgruntled former students/employees tell you otherwise. It's true that the studio has high standards for its dancers and can be strict at times. However, the atmosphere is fun and all about learning to interact and work well in a group environment. Sure, it's not the right studio if you want to be a professional ballet dancer, but the Anita's is the opposite of pretentious. Despite what another poster wrote, you DO NOT pay for classes that you miss. And the recitals are great. If you want your child to learn dance in a incredibly family-friendly environment and make lifelong friends, this is the place for you.
Pros: Great price, great shows, clean & wholesome environment
Cons: Lacking in some technical areas, in the most advanced difficulty levels