well prettygoodyear i think its hilarious that you say that you ""feel bad"" about stuff like that...and what kind of stuff were you talking about? the part about you not liking your haircut or the part where you come on here like a raving b#$*h and trash diane-who btw happens to be a great stylist- talking about her ""trashy jersey girl"" hi-lites! yeah you must feel terrible about being mean...not liking your haircut is fine it happens all the time but its the trash talking that you do that offends me...i seriously doubt that you are as cool/pretty/stylish as you think you are...i have been going to jmpm for almost ten yrs now and love it! if you dont like someones style of cutting DONT go to them...there are a million stylists in the area and about ten others at jm...just dont be so damn mean!
Pros: stylist are great