My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer five years ago. In the hospital, when it was found the doctor on call was Dr. R. Duff Sprawls, so without looking into oncologist, she followed up with him. Today, we feel very lucky and fortunate that she made that decision. Throughout the last five years my moms cancer has resurfaced three times, each time Dr. Sprawls has caught it early, and the treatments have put it in remission each time. This year my step dad passed away two days before xmas and shortly before finding out that my moms testing showed signs of cancer coming back. I naturally moved back from south florida to help care for her and take her to her appointments where I really got to meet Dr. Sprawls. I am a natural skeptic and an over analyzer so I always had questions and did my own research. I was very impressed by Dr. Sprawls' thoroughness. He is very much on the ball and has not missed anything. Recently a MRI report stated there was a spot in the skin around the brain that looked like cancer. Dr. Sprawls, by reveiwing my moms previous tests and chart, questioned the validity of the results. She then consulted with a very highly reguarded neurosurgeon to perform a spinal tap, but when we got there he was ready to move forward with a surgery to put in an Ommaya reservoir. When we told him about Dr. Sprawls concerns he schedueled a spinal tap to confirm and Dr. Sprawls was right, it was not cancer. I believe If you can get to the cancer before it spreads than you have a good chance to beat it. but if not, you have to have to chase it every time it pops up and treat it to prolong life. Today my mom still has hope and enjoys spending time with her 2 1/2 year old grandson , who she once thought she would never get to meet. She is very smart and keeps everything in perspective, but also believes she has the best doctor around. She appriciates everything Dr. Sprawls has done for her, and we highly recommend his services when combating this terrible disease.