If you are like me in the sense, you are metrosexual or simply that your appearance is important to you and you search and research in order to find a hair stylist, that can give you the look you are going for, with the most professional cut, pricing and convenience THEN let me be the first to make your life easier. I did so much research when I first moved to Miami, and tried many different stylist. From very expensive ($160.00 to supercuts pricing) and no one has been able to give me the results I was looking for. I would never walk out feeling confident in the cut I just received. BUT when I FINALLY found Gustavo Briand, at first even though I was just as skeptical and very very picky, he was able to make me feel completely comfortable and warranted any and all my suggestions. I have been going to Gustavo for more than two years now and I highly recommend his services. I cannot emphasize enough how happy I am with him. Thank You Gustavo!
Pros: Atmosphere, Service, Staff Friendliness, Skill of Stylist
Cons: Can't think of any really...