I came back from Europe 1 1/2 years ago with my eyes in sad shape. I had apparently damaged them on the plane ride over (NEVER wear contacts on an airplane) and spent the whole trip in ugly glasses, in incredible pain and unable to find any drops that could help me, and at times unable to open my eyes. When I came home, I went to my regular optometrist, and he could not tell me what was wrong with my eyes. I went back about 10 times in the six months following my first visit (which wasn't cheap), and in that time he could never fully explain to me what was wrong, and he was unable to offer any solution to my request to be back in contacts as soon as possible. I am a runner, and it is hard for me to run with glasses on. In addition, I became incredibly self-conscious about my appearance with the glasses. I cried every time I went to see him and he never could help. I was very close to getting laser eye surgery, as he made it seem like my problem had no solution. THANK GOD I found Dr. Andrews through citysearch. Right away, she was kind, easy to talk to and assured me she would do everything she could to get me back in contacts. She took close up pictures of my eyes and showed me the inflammation. She fully explained my problem was due to not enough moisture in my eyes and a sensitivity to chemicals and preservatives. She put me on drops that got me back to where I could wear contacts again within a month, got me in the right kind of contacts ( the one day kind so I wouldn't have to use solutions) and suggested a moisturizing drop that would not irritate my eyes. I highly recommend Dr. Andrews, especially to people who have almost given up on their eyes.
Pros: friendly and extremely helpful, downtown location.