I had gone in a few times prior and was pleased with the cut, even though it was pricey. I justified it by thinking that I was getting high-end service. I decided to have them give me a perm. I specified that I just wanted A BIT of body, NOT tight curls, in my medium-length bob. However, I emerged with what can only be described as a poodle perm. Seriously, if I just ran my fingers through my hair, it would stand straight out horizontally, it was so curly. I attribute this result to the fact that my stylist went in the back to eat his lunch while I was processing, and failed to stop it in time. In fact, he actually seemed quite put out that he even had to do my hair at all. Either he was having a bad day or they were having scheduling problems. My bad luck! I was mortified with my hair and subsequently bought every type of curl control product in an attempt to avoid looking like a head of broccoli. Nothing worked. I went in a month later for a trim and to see if there was anything they could do to relax the curl. Foolish me! The stylist (a different one this time) said, no, I would just have to wait to let it grow out and poo pooed my concerns. In retrospect, I should have raised a fuss, but instead, I'll just NEVER go back and discourage anyone I know from gambling with their appearance like I did.