My goal was to purchase a scooter under 2500.00 so after checking out Vespa, I ended up at Spotique.
The Spotique sales woman really pushed their serivce emphasizing they would provide quick response and turn-around time. Well that would depend on her definition of "Quick". As soon as I got the scooter a few miles from the dealership I had a disaster! The keys were jammed and I couldn't leave the bike, and couldn't start it. So I called them and they told me it would be at least TWO WEEKS before they could get out to check on the problem. Keep in mind this is the same afternoon I bought the unit!!!
Fast forward three weeks and none of the gages are working. Gas indicator, odometer, speedomter are all dead. Additionally the casing around the gages vibrate so bad the noise is almost louder than the engine.
Also I'd like to mention something they don't tell you at the dealership. There is a breaking in period that is described in the manual. You can't exceed certain speeds for a certain number of miles. You must know this before you speed off the lot because you can cause damage! THE SALESMAN SHOULD TELL YOU THIS.
I would not recommend purchasing a scooter from Sportique. It's a bummer their are still people out there that just don't stand behind their products. We consumers must do what we can to warm others. Good luck with your purchase!