Can someone tell me where this new trend of UBER EXPENSIVE restaurants popping up in every corner is coming from? Is someone confusing us for New York City or maybe Chicago? - Or maybe the owners of these new places are just self suicidal and are not reading the weekly RIP lists of the dozen restaurants that are closing every month in the Twin Cities. Lets get this straight, TEMPLE is a great restaurant. It has lots of potential. However, I don?t want to spend $100 bucks in food and drinks. Living in Minnesota that represents a lot of mula. People are not used to spending that kind of money. With those prices you are closing your margins to the few out of towners, or the few that want to entertain the out of towners. Maybe the "once a year" big spender that was used to celebrate their birthdays at the local Red Lobster or Olive Garden and now they feel like they are "King of the World!" because their incomes surpasses the 6 figure income. OK, and we ofcourse the few trust fund babies that you will recognize because money doesnt buy class or taste.
So, Why are prices so high? I mean honestly, why? Is the owner trying to make a small fortune out of each patron before the establishment caputs? My advice, LOWER YOUR PRICES and welcome more people to your restaurant. Make is a place where the average down Towner JOE is comfortable going. Not a place where you are afraid that you will be spending a month rent in food. Remember, this is good ol Minnesota. Study the market, I would hate to see your restaurant in the RIP list in the magazine. I know you enjoy the "lifestyle" and I congratulate you for your achievements. However, you can afford a lot more HERE for a lot less.
PS happy hours are frustrating !!! It makes you feel ripped off when you are eating and drinking the same food, yet you are penalized because of the time!
Pros: Great food