I'm going along with Karl on this one. Every time I go to the Water Man and ask someone there a question, all they ever give you is a vague answer (if they have any answer at all).\r
Recently I went in to ask about the iron and sulfer filters they carry and install. The sales person I was directed to didn't even know what brand it was that they sold. When I asked if they could maybe go into the back and get a specification sheet or brochure, he claimed that they don't have anything like that.\r
Needless to say I am not buying a filtration system from them...\r
If the owner of The Water Man ever reads this, please put a book together of the products you sell for your sales people to show your customers when they don't have the answers off the top of their heads. I'm also pretty sure that the manufacturers of the systems you sell would be more than happy to provide you with sales brochures that you could actually give to your inquiring customers.\r
Now with that said: The Water