I worked for this man years ago and am sickened by the fact that he still practices. A few things people should know about him before trusting him to care for their animal. 1-when in doubt, recommend euthanasia is his motto, 2-His surgical procedures are completely unsterile (he once asked me to retrieve a surgical instrument from a pile of dirty instruments in a litter box in a sink because he wanted to use it in a surgery! When I refused, he told me I could just spray it with alcohol....I opened a fresh surgery pack and quit a short time later) and 3-Despite using the title DVM in the past HE IS NOT A DVM!!! He did not graduate a vet program in the US and earned a title of BVSc. If you don't believe me you can look him up on the state's website to check veterinary licenses at: http://www.state.nj.us/cgi-bin/consumeraffairs/search/searchentry.pl\r
He's a sick man who when I left there years ago told me that I better not say anything to anyone about him. He should save his threats