After a very negative experience at Columbia Pike Animal Hospital, I went on-line and saw this site. My cat stopped eating and drinking and was completely lethargic within less than 48 hours. I took him to Columbia Pike Animal Hospital where they ran blood work, did stomach x-rays and gave him some fluids. The vet told me that he was "slightly dehydrated." By the next morning he was worse. The vet had promised to expedite his blood work and to call me back the next day. By 7:30 p.m. the cat was in very bad shape and I hadn't heard from the doctor in spite of calling earlier in the day and asking her to call me back with the test results as soon as possible. I called again and had to argue with the front desk person in order to get the vet on the phone. I was put on hold for 15 minutes waiting for the vet. She told me she had been really busy all day and hadn't called anyone back. I asked her what the test results showed and she said she hadn't had a chance to check on them.