I agree that the previous "anonymous" poster does NOT know what they are talking about. The buildings are very old and they do the best they can with what they have. Everything they use to care for birds is what gets donated to them. Being a non-profit organization doesn't exactly allow them to go out and buy huge fancy bird cages, but they DO clean the bird cages daily and always give them fresh water and food which is also donated. If that poster had EVER volunteered their before they would know that the policies and practices are always in the better interest of the animals, and they do not euthanize them after a few days. Stray dogs and cats come in and wait 4-7 days for their owners, if they do not show up those animals get temperment tested, sterilized, vaccinated, then put up for adoption. Once an animal is deemed adoptable it will stay up for adoption until it gets adopted. The HSHV is right on track and doing the best they can, so my message to that "anonymous" poster i