I have lived and shopped in Shadyside for many years and when I became engaged I decided to have a look at their selection of wedding invitations in the interest of supporting a local business. There wasn't another customer in the store, only a girl stocking a shelf and what I could only guess to be the owner. I walked toward the many invitation books. As I squeezed past her, the girl asked if she could help me but I told her no, I only wanted to see what was available. The owner, who had not addressed me verbally, stared at me in distain and said to the girl, ""SHE DOES NEED HELP"" as if to imply that I would certainly ruin something if someone wan't watching over me like a hawk. It was extremely uncomfortable to say the least. I do not expect anyone in any retail establishment to jump like a Jack Russell when I walk in the door but if I am considering spending over $3,000, courtesy goes a long way and this store most certainly has a long way to go.
Pros: Selection of quality stationery
Cons: Rude owner/manager