We had 2 Ton come out for a very simple job. The company failed to inform us that they charge drive time, and that they do so at their regular plumbing rate of about $80 an hour. The driver claimed that it took an hour to get from their workplace to our house, which is located near 1300 East and 2700 South. Google maps claims that the route should take about 17 minutes, so even with an extra 10 minutes for traffic, this was a ridiculous claim. The plumber then proceeded to take 3 hours to install a simple bathroom fixture, taking several smoke breaks (all on our dime) in the meantime. When we complained to the company, they offered to reduce our nearly $320 bill by $20.
We were extremely displeased with their "resolution" of the matter.
To make things worse, the plumber had caulked our sink to the wall, to stabilize it, (a good idea in general). But failed to check that it was level, and our sink is now permanently affixed very off kilter.
Pros: None
Cons: Abysmal customer service, shoddy work, extra fees