What a massage! I suffer from a frozen shoulder and numerous problems due to an auto accident from ten years ago and she can put me to sleep with one of her massages! Not an easy feat to do due to the pain involved. Numerous have tried - she was the lone winner! She knows exactly what type of massage that my body needs instantly. I just leave it all in her very capable hands and have not a single complaint in two years. She even helped decrease my pain level while I was suffering with cancer. She is very knowledgeable and her setting is better than a going to a fancy "spa" that I used to use. Very relaxing and I look forward to my time spent with her. The best money ever spent (and she's cheaper than the fancy spa). What a delight it is to find someone as professional as Nancy! I used to have horrible work schedule and she would accommodate me every time! Whether it be that I came in really early in the morning or late in the evening; she was willing to take me when I could come, unlike the spa where you have to work around their schedule. She even accommodates last minute appointments and will even come to the office for chair massages for groups! Don't know how I've ever lived without her; don't think I even want to think about that either. Best hands and service in the Triangle!
Pros: Relaxing Atmosphere, Very Knowledgeable, Prompt, Accommodating, Respectful
Cons: None