If you have a problem below the waist, particularly endometriosis, THIS is the man you need to see. I have been a cancer therapist for 20 years and have worked alongside numerous MD's in that period of time. I pretty sure I can sort through the dumb-dumbs and align myself with the genius's. This man is one. He rescued me from what would have been a disasterous abdominal hysterectomy with complications for years to come afterwards due to numerous bowel adhesions, engorged uterus and prolapsed rectum, bladder. (I had been passed around from Dr to Dr for 8 years complaining of terrible period pain and difficulty going to the bathroom, heavy bleeding, etc). He miraculously was able to do the whole procedure LAPAROSCOPICALLY (he actually teaches OTHER doctors HIS techniques) with a 1 cm scar as the only evidence of my extensive surgery!! I found him on the endometriosis society of north america's website, and was I glad I did my homework. Hyster sister's is another great website to do research and talk to other women about this subject. I drove in from a different state and had to pay higher cost due to the fact that he was out of my network, but was it worth it. I feel like I am 20 years old again, and have absolutely NO complications, which was miraculous considering I was Stage 4! Thank -you Dr. Volker. I say a prayer for him every Oct 4th, my anniversary date.