Today, 6-6-07 in the NY Daily News, this place was closed down for 51 health violations!!! Including VERMIN... That's not the extra seasoning I want on my pizza... They failed 3 inspections since March '07. They couldn't even pass a food prep class. For those who are not cooks/chefs, that is the BASICS you learn when taking a class. It's hard to forget the BASICS unless you aren't practicing them of course, then that is just nasty. You are cross-contaminating food prep areas... Samonila anyone??? For a place that has been around for YEARS they know better. Yes, I will admit any place you eat in NYC there WILL be vermin/vermin poo, even at places like the renowned Daniel's. That's just the nature of the food business IN NYC. However 51 VIOLATIONS AND YOU WERE CLOSED DOWN?!?!? YUCK!!!