I've lived a long life; but have only lived in southern CA for about 9 years. My biggest adjustment from the midwest has been finding a doctor who REALLY cared about ME!! I am THRILLED with Dr. Ziegner. She is genuinely concerned to find the way to treat my ""problem"". \r
Definitely she is the best doctor I have found; I have recommended her to everyone I see! Her staff is friendly, courteous, conversational; her office does not give that ""sterile"" feeling. Dr. Ziegner actually will talk to you on the phone!!!! How often these days can we say that about any doctor?!\r
From the beginning of my going to her, I had the feeling that she would not quit til she found a solution to my ""problem"". And she is still working with me. I thank God for Dr. Ulrike Ziegner and wish there were more doctor who cared about our health! \r
I just can't believe the notes posted here earlier (all on the same day is amazing!) that are negative toward this doctor and her staff and office.
Pros: Thumbs Up!!