I came to Genesis Fitness as a former runner who had not moved in about 5 years unless you count the distance between my computer and the fridge. I wasn't horribly overweight, just soft, squishy, and weak. You know, when you look okay in clothes but chunks of cottage cheese are lurking beneath the surface? Yah, that was me! \r
I signed up for the downtown PM fitness class. I started the class very slow at running, and hating it. During the course of the class I discovered I actually like running, and can't do without it. My time dropped 5 minutes in the 5 week course. I never thought I could do pushups, much less 50 of them in a row (with no cheating!). \r
As the instructors say, this is not curves. You will sweat, you will grunt, you will learn to embrace pain as a friend that leads to results and that happy feeling you get after a good workout. Most of the people in the class are 23-35 years old, normal folks. People are friendly, not snobby, and not critical or competative (except me, I like to race for fun because I am a spastic dorkweed :P) I know it is hard to drag your flab into workout clothes and bounce around in front of people...but at genesis you have nothing to be ashamed or or worry about. \r
One of the most positive things I gained from it was losing my fear of looking stupid in front of people. I'd never done a group activity like that, and was shy about not knowing what to do. The shyness probably came off a little standoffish. Now I'm probably the goofiest, happiest person in my class. Clothes fit better, I have muscles and tone coming out in places that never occured to me (say bye to those dreaded backfat handles and muffin tops!), but I'm equally grateful for the shameless way I can toss myself at any exercise with energy and fearlessness. Although I think they would rather I not jump down 5 stairs at once. =P
Pros: ^^
Cons: Saturday class is too early