This doctor gets very upset if you call 415-921-7533. This must be his super secret back office line from which he calls you to schedule your appointment. If you call this number 415-921-7533, Dr. Gottlieb (Kenny) will freak out. EVEN if you are a brand new patient. \r
Kenny is not aware that if he wishes to keep a phone number private, he can call the phone company and block the number. I believe there's a series of numbers and characters he can use with each call to block or unblock this number which is 415-921-7533. \r
If you call 415-921-7533, the super secret back office line, Kenny will come unglued in such an unattractive manor that you, like me, will not want to work with him. Like me, you will fire him and report him to the insurance company who referred him to you.\r
If you do go to see him, ask him why he has picked all the leather off of the armrests of his chair. I was planning on asking but won't be back.\r
Not very good for a psych.
Pros: Nice Puccini posters
Cons: This guy's not cool