(Bailey's blog)\r
It's been a pretty rough month for me. Momma took me to the groomers to get my haircut before our visit to my buddy's house. She dropped me off as usual and when she picked me up, boy was I happy to see her! The groomer lady said I was a bad pup and that I wiggled too much. Imagine that, a puppy that wiggles? -_- Anyhoos, the groomer lady told my momma that I got cut and it wasn't a big deal. They said they called their vet person and said that I was fine and put this clear adhesive stuff on my belly. My momma didn't know what to think, she was just happy that I seemed okay.\r
Until the next day. Course, I'm a pup so I'm gonna go jump around and play! In all my romping around I had ripped the scab off my belly and was left with an open gash (a quarter inch wide). I wasn't feeling well at all and had an icky accident inside my crate. Momma panicked and called the emergency vet. She took me in and the vet lady was mad! She says I got sick (infection) from the wound and ended up needing three staples to clamp it shut! OUCH!!! The vet lady says the groomers were bad and shouldn't give momma medical advice or disway my momma from taking me to the vet the day I got my cut.\r
Anyhoos, for you puppies out there don't go to this groomer. It took me three staples and two weeks to recover from being clipped on my belly. \r
Pros: In Bellevue
Cons: Expensive and careless.