I'm not covering any new ground here if you've read the other reviews. Anyone that's been to Abyssinia will tell you the service just flat out isn't good. If you're looking to eat in a hurry this is not the place for you. If you've got some time to spend though then by all means give Abyssinia a shot, because the food is exceptional. If you're looking to have a few drinks though, I recommend ordering them two at a time unless you're content with the slightest buzz. It's also a great spot for breakfast, I forget the name of the dish some friends ordered for me once, it was soupy with sour cream and you ate it with rolls. Really the perfect breakfast; hearty and filling to get you started on your day. A glass of mango juice on the side is strongly recommended. This is a tough area to find a good parking spot most of the time, so if you're driving allow some time to hunt for a spot as well. Basically, if time and patience are on your side, then by all means have a wonderful meal at Abyssinia.