RUN THROUGH BOB's! No matter what GQ tells you, forget Manny's and the Owl down in San Antonio. Forget Bobcat Bite up in Santa Fe. If you're passing through Albuquerque, New Mexico on I-40 and you want to get what the locals love get to Bob's. Get off of the San Mateo exit and head north about 1/4 mile and go east on Menaul. Right past the gas station is where you'll find the most consistently wonderful and spicy red chile cheeseburger. I order the Old Fashioned and get red chile and cheese added and then i also get a frito pie and skip the fries. Now make sure you have a very very large drink if you're not used to the spicy food. Chow down and then get back on the road to wherever it is youre going. There's a reason us New Mexicans are typically very healthy people. The secrets in the chile, and Bob's gives us one of the finest red in the state.