I love paula meola dance and have been dancing there since i was 2 1/2 wen it was PAT. o ya and FYI catiem.... im in the 7th grade and no what a flap heel heel is! and i was doin maxi fords across the floor since i was in level 3, maybe you just aren't in a high enough level to learn them!!!! Everyone there is nice to everone else. The only reason there are clicks (which really aren't clicks) is because you see mostly the people in your level, so you will obviously get to know them better. Thats why at school you hang out with the people in your grade instead of other kids because you are with them all the time!!!!!!! Well anyways Paula is so nice to everyone at the studio, and picks different roles for everyone each year. She is very fair! I love the studio, and recommend it to everyone. She wants us to be the best we can possibly be. Our competition team is great. We have meetings when EVERYONE meets and can talk about dance, school, or anything else. I LOVE PMD!!!! dont listen to the other MEAN NASTY CRUEL comments! cause it is AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!