The sushi at this delivery place is ok, but their delivery service is terrible. This is the kind of place that tells you 45 minutes for your food, and 90 minutes later you call and ask status. The reply is, "we were really busy and we got backed up. Your food will be there in 45 more minutes."
I am not joking about this - food that was supposed to arrive at 8:45 PM gets to your home at 10 PM. Not good. I have had this experience twice with them. The first time things were just a bit late. This last time, it was unbearably late. I cancelled the order - though there were "gracious" enough to offer me a 10% discount on the food. That would have amounted to $6 on my order - for my hours wait.
A little advice for the folks working the counter. You have my phone number with the order. How about a call telling me your late? Would have made no difference but at least it would have shown some respect for your customers.
Pros: Sushi delivery
Cons: It takes them hours to get it to you, even though they tell you 45 mins