My son Robin told me about Lucky Vanous' restaurant. I was visiting relatives in Long Beach and Knight's Landing, Calif., last month. So I went by Lucky Devils. Not only does the owner provide a satisfactory variety of GOOD drinks for an old bingo marm and world ttraveler to choose from, he makes the best burger I have found since the Sidewinder restaurant closed on Route 66 in the Cal desert maybe 30 years ago. It was perfect, everything was, food to rpice to server. Usually, I loathe burgers made by anyone other than myself. I don't know what brand of bread and consiments he uses for his burgers, but I know, without a doubt, whatever brand or brands they are they are exceptionallyh good. And the service was so excellent. One young woman even gave me perfect directions and got me out of town without confuse--at my age (80) that is a miracle. Most of these gimmick eateries owned by former celebrities are exactly that--a gimmick, a short-term jmoke. Not Lucky D's. I am half certain this eatery will be here for decades to come, long after I am a thing of th epast. Barbara Gamble Fletcher, Fort Worth, Texas
Pros: Service, meat, bread, condiments, drink choices, location
Cons: none