About 3 years ago Alexandria Animal Hospital was my first cat's regular vet. After relocating, then coming back to the area, I brought my other cat into the emergency clinic for a problem he has had intermittitently over the years. Sadly, I have been very disappointed with the results. One $700+ bill later (the original estimate was $1600+), my cat came home with a diagnosis and treatment that does not seem in line (at all!) with either the problem as I described it or my cat's symptoms. When I called with some follow-up questions/concerns, the vet tech who took my call was unfamiliar with my cat's symptoms (even though she had the chart in front of her) and, again, gave advice that seemed incongruous with my cat's symptoms. (The advice also seemed to lean heavily in the direction of "Bring him back in"- presumably for another VERY expensive "diagnosis".) This is not the first time I've been to the vet emergency room (why do these problems only happen after 5 and before 9?) so I