There's not enough time or space to list out all the problems with this community. Don't bother calling the office. Chances are nobody will answer the phone and they don't respond to messages. When I have a problem, I have to physically go into the office to report it. Even when I do that, 75% of the time, it goes without being repaired. I once had water coming through my ceiling from the apartment above. I reported it and they never came to check on it. I've had a hole in my ceiling from that for about 9 months now. The construction crew knocked a hole in my wall from the outside. I reported that 2 weeks ago and I still have a fist-size hole, now stuffed with newspaper.\r
There are insects here that I've never seen before and LOTS of them. They can't get rid of the ants in my bathrooms and we have a resident rodent in the walls. Supposedly pest control comes once a month, but I work from home and I haven't had them come in my apartment at all.\r
When I moved in 1 1/2 years ago, I made a list (a long one) of things that needed to be repaired in the apartment. Not a SINGLE one of them has ever been fixed. I'm beginning to wonder if they even have maintenance people on staff!\r
I can't wait till my lease is up (3 months and 12 days!!!) so I can get the heck OUT.
Pros: I'm gonna have to get back to you on this one......
Cons: Poor Management, Bad Customer Service, NO Maintenance