I used to live downtown and we would frequent Zelda's Pizza when we were in the mood for a sit-down pizza place. The place looks like it is a bar with a divide in the room and dining tables added to the area where you'd normally see pool tables. Whenever we have walked in, the host has usually been less than gracious. One time we walked in and the host had her back to us kinda hunched over the front desk there, she lifts her head and glances back over her shoulder ... sees us ... then lowers her head back down and mumbles ""how many?"" with her back to us as if she were talking to her front desk ... barely audible ... and then she turns around seemingly annoyed and goes ""HOW MANY?"". It was hard to tell if she was putting on a show or not ... like intentionally being rude to be funny. Each time we went there, the wait was about 45 minutes for the pizza. I think one of the best knee-slappers we had there was when my then roommate asked for a refill on his soda and the waitress looked at him and straight faced said ""you don't want to spoil your appetite"" and didn't get him a refill! Never sat at the bar, so that may be a different experience, I don't know.
Pros: Good Deep Dish Pizza
Cons: Comically Bad Service, Long Waiting Time