Sure, their smiles gleam with kindness. Sure, their voices sound innocent. Truth is, they're just in it for the money. Be aware of the most common bait-and-switches - they use them. NEVER negotiate off monthly payment. Watch all prices they give you in every category. They will try and hit you with a HUGE(!!!!) $595 documentation fee that is pure profit for them if you're not vigilant. Watch out for them trying to change your financing years without notifying you. Be certain to watch your trade-in value as they will definitely give you the lowest amount possible for it. When you negotiate, know the price you're going to buy for it and do not budge. If you go in uninformed, they'll go a couple negotiating rounds with you acting like their final deal is the "best" price to give you when in reality it's definitely not. Take this advice from somebody who experience many of their little tricks and bought a car from them. This is a dealership not worth trusting during the sale.