LOVE Liana! She's my hair hero! Seriously - I have thick, coarse, unruly hair and she has been keeping me from looking like I'm wearing a football helmet for years. Liana colors my hair, too, and my hair is always shiny and natural looking. Recently, I had a Brazilian Blow Dry and am sooooo happy with it! At first I was afraid that I would lose the curl in my hair - how silly of me - I still have all of my curl and body AND I can actually handle my hair by myself on a daily basis! It's never been easier. I can "finger" blow dry my hair and it looks fabulous. My mornings now belong to me - not my hair. And no more clips and round brushes trying to tame my hair in place! THANK YOU, LIANA, for being such a creative genius.
Pros: M2 Salon is comfortable and friendly. A great place to get pampered and Liana is the one to do so.