Frankee is the best stylist and colorist EVER. Period. Her color skills are the hair looks better than it ever has since I've been in her care for almost 6 months. My previous color (partial highlight and lowlight) was amazing and lasted 3 months (okay so I had roots but it started that way in places, and roots are in!). You could even still see red after 3 months! The color now is with bright red streaks and plummy streaks, with some of the gold before left in. I've been getting a million compliments on the cut and colleage at Sephora who sits next to me always tells me how envious she is of my hair. As a makeup artist who works in the beauty industry, I rely on Frankie to keep my locks high-fashion and flattering, and that is why I'll never leave her. She is simply the best!
Pros: FRANKEEEE! Don Juan...magazine...snacks
Cons: NONE!!!