I have (had) been taking my 4 children, including my newborn triplets to Dr. Salman and Dr. Westbrook for over a year when somehow a past due balance came up one that I was unable to cover, I had Arkids at the time and did the research, Arkids was supposed to pay for it, but didnt. Now here I was, with my year old triplets and 2 year old son that had to be seen by a new doctor. They said they would allow my triplets to still see the doctors there, but my son was out. Its hard having one child seen by a different doctor across town. This is nothing against the doctors there, some of the doctors there had seen me since I was a teen and that I why I chose the clinic. The doctors are great, dont get me wrong, but something about the money and past due balances just urked me. All of my children are now seeing a new doctor...unfortunatly.