I can't even begin to explain how furious I am w/ ALC. I have a friend who works for them and she referred me. My friend is so embarassed of this whole situation and says she will never refer someone to her own company because of things ""like this"". I was interested in laser hair removal and recieved a fax of quotes. They asked me to come in for a consult and was told I could even being my treatment afterwards. I went in 2 days later for a consult with the manager. I have been going to the dermatologist for the last 10years... so when I learned about microderms/fotofacials during the consult, of course I was intrigued. The lady knew I was iffy about it because of the prices. She was a great seller, let me tell ya! I fell for the sale pitch and signed a ""contract"" for laser hair removal on 3 different areas along with the fotofacial. I signed SO many papers. After the consult, I recieved laser hair treatment in 2 of the areas. Later I got home and realized how non realistic it was for me to do the fotofacial b/c of finances. I notified the center the NEXT day and never heard back. My friend left a note for the mgr to call. I called 4 days later and the mgr told me ""deal with it on Wed"" when I came in. Of course, a new mgr was there then and she was the one who told me since I had began my laser tx, I was unable to be refunded for the fotofacial (which I hadnt even BEGAN!). I was FURIOUS. I got home and realized I never even recieved a copy of the financial agreement. The lady who did my consult stated she ""forgot to mention it b/c there were so many things to cover"" RIIGHT!! how cant you mention the most important thing? I called corporate this evening but havent heard back and after reading other reviews, I have a feeling I wont be refunded and i could kick myself for not researching reviews b/c I am shocked how many others this has happened too. It is all about $ to them. If an employee doesnt recommend their company to their friends, what does that say about ALC?