before i start..they're in costa on fairview/baker. not santa ana2 of my pups had parvo. Dr Park was doing a parvo test on one of them and dropped some of the discharge on the ground. and just wiped it with a napkin. no bleach...nothing. parvo only dies from bleach. when i initially took my first pup to the vet because he was throwing up not eating had bloody diarrhea, dr. park said i was feeding my pup too much yet he gave my pup an ivy injection. i asked why the ivy if there's nothing wrong and he brushed off my question after i spent almost 700 dollars. I later called another vet, who happened to be dr park's friend, that vet automatically said it sounds like parvo. we did tests and it was confirmed. Dr Park requested for my pup to be treated at his office so we went back there, i asked him should i isolate my parvo pup from my other pups and he said its not necessary until one day my other pup was sick. they were treated and cured but after thousands of dollars and tons of sufferin