Stephen predicted that I would get a more creative job. I just got an offer at a bank in a most unusual position, which is VERY creative working for one of the top guys in the company. It is a senior role and creative just like Stephen predicted. He predicted my divorce would be finalized at the end of 2007. Well, the final papers just arrived in November. I would say that November is the end of the year. Then he predicted that my current relationship would progress, but slowly and he advised me to be patient. He was right. We are still seeing each other and it is progressing slowly but steadily. At the time of the reading, I was ready to break up with my boyfriend. I?m glad I hung in there and saw it through. Stephen?s prediction made all the difference. When Stephen predicted I would return to school, I really rejected that. I hate school and at the time would never have considered it. Well, as it turned out, I had to return to school because of my new job and now I actually find it interesting.
Pros: Accurate predictions
Cons: City traffic