We won't recommend Advanced to other Condominiums wishing to make a transition in management. This is our 4th year with this company. They do not have the experience and staff to affordably address our needs however they promised us all sorts of things the first few years. In fact we are running into serious problems do to errors made by them, since Eric does not assume accountability for his mistakes. Prior to considering Advanced you'd be doing yourself a favor by calling past and present accounts experienced with their evidently well known lack of ability and interest over duration . In the 4 years we've had this company we have seen numerous inexcusable mishaps (some injurious) to residents, many culminating as a result of their ongoing negligence, or ability, still - they aren't qualified to suit our needs as a medium sized Condo complex.
Pros: None considering what they've cost us in settlements
Cons: Eric is a talker, and that's about it, over time Advanced has shown consistent lack of ability.