I would highly recommend Stephen. I went to see him recently because his predictions came true. It took 8 years, but he was accurate! In that First reading 8 years ago, Stephen did not ask me questions. He asked for an object to hold that I owned. Next he went into trance and after about 3 minutes came out and began to accurately tell me what he saw, even before I asked my questions. He saw me traveling back and forth to Boston and thought it had something to do with my daughter. Well, my daughter was accepted to a college near Boston and I?ve been traveling back and forth as predicted. My son wanted to go to college out west. Instead Stephen saw him going to college in New York State. Well, he went to Marist in Poughkeepsie, New York. I asked if my daughter would move home from Rochester and he felt that she would be there indefinitely. She is still living there. When I gave Stephen my wedding photo in order to read my husband, he immediately said, this is your second marriage. It is! I asked about my parents? health and he said they would be alright for a while, but when it was there time to pass on, they would pass very close in time to each other. A few years later, after pretty good health, my parents died within 3 months of each other. I really liked my reading last month and I?m interested to see if he will be as accurate as he was in the first reading. For that reading I would give him a 95% accuracy rate.
Pros: Nice guy
Cons: Had to wait 8 years for the predictions to come out (I'm learning patience)