Nothing like listening to the ""Barn Manager and Assistant manager"" yell at your horse for being a horse and then remind you to be a better owner. Yup, Calypso is about stroking the staff. It has little to do with the horses. Have a problem with your horse? Want something extra? Oh, you WILL be told YOU need to spend more time with your horse....or buy some product......even if you are there everyday! The STAFF certainly cannot be expected to help. These people JUST DON'T WANT TO WORK AND DO THEIR JOB!!!!!! Talking and sitting while someone is tacking up or down is not WORKING! And then.....we are asked to help them......And even though I pay on the club house, I really don't want to sit in the little box. Caring about my horse?????? No, they care about who is paying club dues.
Cons: 2 STORY WEIRD CLUB HOUSE DUES $100/month or we don't like you.....