They've shown up twice and done a decent job, but they have failed to show up twice. You may consider 50:50 odds to be fairly decent, but both times when they've failed to show up, no one has bothered to call to let me know why someone isn't coming. When I call back during M-F (b/c no one ever picks up the phone on a weekend), they're extremely apologetic and they offer to send someone the next day, but that's never to my convenience but to theirs. Also, when I called them the first time to get a quote, I was told very clearly that if you're put on a schedule there's a discount. When I got on the schedule, they didn't give me a discount but claimed that the original price quoted was the discounted rate - that doesn't make any sense b/c I wasn't on a schedule the first time I had called and hadn't said at that time I would get onto a schedule, so why would they givef a discounted rate at the beginning? In short, try someone else, and don't waste your time on these guys.