I was raised on Chriopractic Care and have had my share of the good the bad and ugly. With a few car accidents in my life and choosing a carreer that is physically demanding, finding a good chiropractor was more important to me than a regular physician. I started seeing him 8 years ago because of a car accident and have been hooked since. Not only has he mastered his art he really cares about what he's doing w/ you on every level. He's constantly continuing his education and is always up to date on the newest technology in his proffesion. He looks at what you're putting into your body as a balance to what your putting out. 8 months ago he took me on a complete life changing experience but at my own pace. He'd been treating me for years and would always talk to me about the importance of balancing my diet as not to be getting as sick as I was. I've spent the last 3 years traveling at least 2-3 times a month for work so I just equated my getting sick all the time to the travel. As much as I try to trick him into thinking my health was fine he always laughed and said the body doesn't lie. It truly is amazing the result of his care. My job hasn't changed, if anything it's more intense now that I'm in NY, but I haven't gotten sick since he worked with me to cleanse my body and balance my diet. I feel and look better than I ever have. He works with you to better take care of yourself, making you want to go see him rather than feeling like you have to.The first thing on my mind when I come back to Venice is when do I get to see Patrick. It's a breath of fresh air to find a doctor who truly cares. He holds Chiropractic and Holistic beyond the level it's intended. Thanks Doc
Pros: ambiance, comfort, service