This clinic is open 7 days a week. That may seem great to some for average visits, but to those who have a sick animal; BEWARE! Their Vet that is staffed is DIFFERENT every day or two! My Puppy was there for a week so throughout her stay she saw 4 DIFFERENT doctors who all had DIFFERENT approaches to treating my poor puppy. One wanted to do as much medical treatment as possible, and did while they were there. The next day, the next vet did not feel this was a good idea and did the opposite. They put my puppy through a rollercoaster. I would have much rather them stuck to a plan. Then, to make things worse, when I questioned the activity, one vet actually bad-mouthed the other 3 vets!!! That was not very comforting. They did not check on my puppy and allowed her temperature to drop 10 degrees below average and she was in for a sickness that needed extensive monitoring and care. Please, Please! ask questions before you go to this vet...if you are actually willing to risk your animals life.