Alicia is rude and holyer than thou. She is a snob and will only cater to people that fit her. She is condisending and inconciderate. Embarassed me more than and can ever say. I will never return to her place of business becaause of her rudeness again.\r
Her daughers have many of her traits and the rudness comes out in them as well. I was waiting for my food order that was phones in by a co-worker and because i did not know what name it was under she proceeded to yell out in the crowed of people that "" What don't you know what your name is?""... then when i was checking the order she said even louder don't you trust us to get your order right. If i wanted to be treated like that i would have ordered my food at a jail house.
Pros: white collar workes only very few men all woman
Cons: rude service