I have been going to Flying pie since the early 90s.
For some reason I have always had problems convincing people to come and experience.. maybe they do not believe my descriptions of pizzas towering with topings rotating in the oven, or the upside down table on the ceiling complete with a pitcher of beer (Hey, where is that at the LO location?).
But once they do, they are always hooked... and stuffed. Stay away if you do not like to commit the sin of glutony... haha. Just have one piece in that case.. and get a small or a medium; because a large can feed 6 people.. or 2 monsters.
My only real beef with this establishment is that it is so good that we hardly ever try anything else... but oh well, we do live in boring suburbia. =)
We are off to there now. Woohoo! and Yum.
Pros: Great pizza topping piled high
Cons: Sometimes the water content from the mass of topings can affect the crust.