I have had the pleasure of dealing with a HUGE HEADACHE when I tried to give my business to this dealership. To make a very long story short, I spent 5 hours trying to work a deal since I wanted to trade in my old car, left with a nice used vehicle (since they told me that I was approved for the car), only to get a call from the manager two weeks later telling me that I needed a co-signer otherwise I would have to bring the car back because my loan was denied (supposedly I submitted false info on my application). Sounded "iffy" since I was told that everything was kosher when I left. I returned the car that night and asked to see the application that I filled out. To my surprise, the salesman that I dealt with wrote up a new application, changed my income and personal reference info and FORGED MY SIGNATURE!! They were SO unprofessional. Told me that no one forged anything and that whatever they were doing was perfectly normal. (HELLO, I should know my own writing style and the actual n