I have been going to Gaido's all my life. This is a MUST Go place, easily the very best Galveston has had since 1911. It is the real, very real, deal: Family Owned and Operated, One of a Kind, Unique Recipes (the others might have them, they copied from Gaidos). What specifically am I talking about? Crawfish or Crabmeat Bisque. I am a Gumbo NUT, but this is a place to GET THE BISQUE!!! It's named after the man who perfected it in Gaido's kitchen. I have never found another Bisque that comes close to this one a-n-y-w-h-e-r-e!! Crabmeat ag gratin... Great God Almighty!!!! Ambience? This place invented it. To this day, I am very much of the conviction that the seafood restaurant experience can only be fully appreciated if you can see the ocean from your table. And dessert is truly over the top here. You can dazzle your special other and buy the entire dessert tray for like $10.00!!! Believe me, it will wow them every single time, just like Gaido's has wowed me every single time for over 45 years. I now live over 5 hours away and get the urge evry now and again to go to the one and only. Must suggestion for a great Galveston weekend is a stay at the San Luis, a great casual day walking along the beach, got to check out Murdocks, once again, for the cheesy but fun beach souvieners, some quality poolside time with a drink with an umbrella and dinner at Gaido's. It is the best.
Pros: The Best, A Reason to go to Galveston all by itself
Cons: There are no Cons you crazy fool!!!!