Ok first I like to say I finaly used my Self Cleaning Over Button on my stove. Second I like to say that Jenny's Place is sweet! I mean Not only was I beyond Satisfied with the results of my hair but the salon its self is beautyfully designed. With all the fresh colors, totaly stylish furniture and angelic stylist the place has a sease of relife. With no doubt has a unique dynamic that no other salon can come close to. Other salons have their music on full blast, their stylist rushing because the front desk over booked and very loose stares. Jenny's place makes you fel welcomed and accepted. I mean who would not love the american Bulldog waiting to great you at the front door. That dog is unbelievablly cute. Jenny and her whole staff know how to treat a clinet. So Hats off to Jenny's Salon and Keep up the good work.
Pros: Jenny is NOT a business woman, she's a Business, WoMan.