These folks installed the landscaping in my yard prior to my moving into the house. They did not level the ground, the sprinkler system is shoddy at best, and when called they do not come to take care of the situation! I have given them three chances to perform services for me, thinking that this poor service was a fluke, it is not!!!
If you can't tell by the non-professional voicemail greeting when you phone them, take this review to heart. You do NOT want this company working for you for any reason. They do not take care of their customers, nor do they even offer any customer service at all. IF you get to talk to the owner, he will give you an arbitrary time for someone to come out- they will not be there. If you phone him back, he will make excuses and try to make you feel as if you're the one that is in the wrong. A company that wants your money should be more than willing to take care of you before AND after the sale. I have failed to see this company do either for the people that have dealt with them. Please, save yourself the heartache and find someone else to do your yard work. You'll be glad you did.